If you're planning on using multiple 500 series modules in your studio or live rig, this Heritage Audio OST-4 4-slot rack with On Slot Technology is the smart way to house them. On Slot Technology simply means power is distributed on a per-slot basis - each slot has its own power supply linear regulator stages, which isolate each slot from the others and ensure each stays within the proper operating range. Recording engineers at Sweetwater know that power can be a concern when combining multiple 500 series modules from different manufacturers. You'll be able to mix and match 500 series modules with confidence with the Heritage Audio OST-4 500 series rack.
Heritage Audio OST-4 500 Series Rack at a Glance:
Protects your 500 series modules against power problems
Each slot in the OST-4 rack is completely isolated from the others, to ensure that the behavior of one power-hungry module doesn't affect the operation of the others. Over-current protection ensures that a sudden power draw won't fry your favorite mic preamp, while thermal protection for each slot protects modules against overheating. Unlike some 500 series racks that share electrical current across all slots, the Heritage Audio OST-4 rack ensures each module gets the exact power it needs, independent of the other modules.
Linear regulators ensure stable, precise power
The Heritage Audio OST-4 uses linear power regulators on each slot that are extremely precise, and this ensures power stability no matter what modules you're using. Voltages stay at +/-16 volts with an impressively low variance of only +/-0.1 volts. Each slot has red and green LEDs so you can easily check the power status for any module.
Ample power for a 4-space rack
With On Slot Technology, the OST-4 can provide 400mA per slot, or up to 700mA total across all slots (whichever is reached first). A total of 80mA of power is available for phantom power.
Heritage Audio OST-4 500 Series Rack Features: